Journaling is a great form of self-care. It can help you to reduce stress levels, improve on your emotional and mental state and lead you to a more balanced and happy life.

If you are looking to go the Journaling route to care for yourself and need self-care journal prompts, you’ll find this blog post helpful.
This post has a compiled list of over 100 inspiring journal prompts for self-care that will help you achieve that personal goal of being a better version of yourself.
When to start a self-care journal
Some people find it helpful to keep a self-care journal as part of their daily routine from the very beginning of their day. For others, they may only start writing in their journal once they’ve experienced an intense bout of stress or anxiety.
The important thing is that you begin by recording your thoughts and feelings, even if it’s just for 10 minutes each day. This way, you can track your progress and see how your current self-care practices are helping you feel better overall.
How Does Journaling Help with self-care?
One reason journaling can be so beneficial for self-care is that it allows you to reflect on your thoughts and feelings in a safe space.
This process can help you identify patterns and problems that you may not have been aware of before. It can also help you learn how to cope with stressors more effectively.
Journaling can also be a form of self-compassion because it allows you to open up to your vulnerabilities in writing. This gives you the opportunity to revisit your thoughts and feelings at a particular time.
Doing this will help you develop a positive relationship with yourself and learn how to handle difficult situations effectively. Self-care journal prompts can help you write more without the block – don’t forget to use them.
You can also use journaling as an outlet for frustrations or negative feelings. By writing out our thoughts and emotions, we can process them in a safe environment and hopefully come out feeling better equipped to handle whatever challenges life throws our way.
What to put in a self-care journal
There is no rule dictating the things you can write in your self-care journal; the important thing is that you should be able to openly express your thoughts and feelings.
For starters, you can simply write your thoughts, feelings, and experiences from the day; from the big things (like work deadlines) to the small (like how someone said something annoying to you).
You can also focus on more specific topics, such as health and wellness concerns, relaxation techniques, or gratitude reflections.
Alternatively, you can use the self-care journal prompts you will find in this blog post to guide your writing.
How long should a self-care journal be?
This varies from person to person. You can decide to keep your journal for a few days, weeks, months, or even years. The important thing is that you find a format and duration that works for you and helps you stay on track with your self-care goals.
As long as you are writing in your journal when you need to, you will be on your way to feeling better and tackling life’s challenges with renewed energy!.
If your journal is empty because you always don’t know what to write, use self-care journal prompts to break writing blocks.
How to start a self-care journal
There’s no one right way to get started, but here are a few suggestions:
Choose the right journal
One of the best ways to keep yourself accountable is to choose a journal that you’re excited to write in. If you’re not excited about writing in your journal, it’s less likely that you’ll actually do it.
Set some basic guidelines
Before getting started, make sure you have some general guidelines for how your journal will look and function. This will help keep things organized and prevent any confusion or frustration down the road.
Get comfortable writing in your journal
One of the biggest challenges with self-care is staying consistent with our practices. If you’re not used to writing in your journal, it may be difficult to get started.
Get comfortable with the process by starting small, then increase the length and complexity of your entries – make it a gradual process. Also, use self-care journal prompts to inspire your writing.
Embrace vulnerability
One of the best things about self-care is that it allows us to be more vulnerable than we ordinarily would be. When you’re journaling, it’s important to allow yourself to express all of your feelings and emotions. This can be scary at first, but it’s ultimately a helpful experience.
Use journal prompts for self-care to get ideas
You will find different self-care journal prompts in this blog post, and you can always browse the internet for more ideas. Use these journal prompts for self-care to get started, or create your own based on your interests and needs.
Self-Care Journal Prompts Ideas
Mental Health Journal Prompts for Self-Care
- What makes you feel calm?
- How do you manage stress?
- What are your thoughts on moving on?
- What is your favorite thing to do for fun?
- Do you feel you have a lot of self- esteem?
- What is your least favorite thing to do for fun?
- What is your favorite and least favorite memory?
- What is your favorite way to relax and de-stress?
- How do you stay motivated throughout the day?
- Do you ever feel alone in your thoughts or emotions?
- How do you deal with difficult people or situations?
- What are some things you do to stay mentally healthy?
- What do you like to do for fun outside of work or school?
- What is your favorite coping mechanism when things get tough?
- What do you think is the most underrated way to take care of yourself?
- What are your thoughts on taking care of your mental and physical health?
- What have you done lately that has been solely for your enjoyment or satisfaction?
- Are there any stressors in your life that you’re struggling to manage, no matter how much effort you put into it? If so, which ones and how can you work on addressing them?
- Do you find it difficult to get enough sleep? Why is that, and what do you do to make sure you get the required amount of restful sleep each night?
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Self-Care Journal Prompts for Emotional Health
- What does “self-care” mean to you?
- What are some things that make you happy?
- What are your thoughts about today’s events?
- How has your emotional health affected your life?
- What were some of your favorite moments today?
- List five things that you are proud of in your life and why.
- Write 10 positive things that have happened to you today.
- Take a moment to write five things you love most about life.
- Make a list of five things you are happy about in your life right now
- What are some things that you do that make you feel happy and content?
- What do you think are the best ways to take care of yourself emotionally?
- What have you done to improve your emotional health around these experiences?
- Take a moment to write three things that make you happy just thinking about them!
- What do you think is the most important thing to maintaining your emotional health?
- What have been some positive and negative emotions that have affected you the most?
- Reflect on one thing you learned today that made you happier or more satisfied with life.
- How do you think self-care can help you manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional issues?
- Take some time to think about all the good things that have happened to you in the past week.
- Do you have any ideas about how self-care can manage emotions in a healthy and sustainable manner?
- Have you ever struggled with accepting compliments or feeling grateful? Why is this, and what do you think can be?
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Self-Care Journal Prompts about Gratitude
Keeping a gratitude journal can help you focus on the things that make you happy and stress-free. Doing this will naturally increase your overall happiness and well-being.
Not sure what to write about in your gratitude journal?
Here are 7 self-care journal prompts idea for gratitude to help get you started:
- What did you enjoy doing today?
- What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
- Write three things you are grateful for today
- Make a list of at least five people who have impacted your life positively.
- Take some time to think about all the good things that will happen in the future.
- What are three things you’re grateful for that make you feel loved and supported?
- Take five minutes to write everything you are grateful for in your life; Make it a list of 10 if you don’t want to overwhelm your notebook.
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Mindfulness Journal Prompts for Self-Care
Mindfulness is the practice of focusing your attention on the present moment and being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. It is a simple yet powerful way to improve your mental and emotional well-being.
Here are some helpful mindfulness journal prompts for self-care:
- How do you usually spend your days?
- What are your thoughts on mindfulness?
- What are some things that make you stressed out?
- What are some things you can do to boost your self-esteem and confidence?
- What is one thing that you have been wanting to do for a while, but haven’t been able to?
- What are some things that you need to let go of in order to move forward?
- What are some things that you have been procrastinating on?
- What are some of your thoughts about taking care of yourself?
- What are some things that you have been doing to take care of yourself?
- What are some things that you do daily that help you feel more present and mindful?
- What are some things that you do to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally?
- What are some things that you do to nurture your relationships?
- What are some things that you do to cultivate creativity and joy in your life?
- What are some things that you do to connect with nature and the world around you?
- How do you feel about self-care being seen as a luxury item?
- How can you be more proactive about taking care of yourself?
- Are there any areas of your life that you feel are neglecting and deserve more attention? Why do you think this is, and how can you change it?
- Do you think it’s important for people to take care of their mental health besides their physical health? Why or why not?
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Self-Care Journal Prompts for Social Wellness
- How do you put yourself first without feeling guilty?
- Write about a time when you overcame an obstacle.
- Share a story about how you overcame a mental or emotional challenge.
- Describe a time when you showed resilience in the face of adversity.
- Discuss a time when you exhibited strength of character.
- Write about how you used your imagination to overcome a challenge.
- Share an inspiring story about how you helped someone else in need.
- Describe a time when you showed courage and determination in the face of difficulty.
- Talk about a time when you exhibited generosity and compassion.
- Write about how you overcame boredom or monotony by engaging in an interesting activity.
- Detail a time when you exhibited leadership qualities in the face of adversity or crisis.
- Write about your personality trait and why you are proud of who you are.
Self-Care Journal Prompts for Physical Wellness
- How do you feel about working out regularly?
- Do you have any tips for creating a healthy work-life balance?
- Have you ever struggled with eating healthy?
- What physical activity do you enjoy doing outside of work or athletics?
- What physical activity would you like to do more of?
- What kind of physical activity do you enjoy the most? Why? What makes it enjoyable for you?
- What physical activity do you find most challenging?
- How can you make your current physical activity routine more enjoyable?
- What obstacles have you encountered while trying to improve your physical activity routine?
- What advice would you give to someone who is starting out on a physical activity regimen?
- How can you better monitor your physical activity over time?
- Have you ever suffered from an injury because of your physical activity? If so, how did you overcome it?
- What would you do if your physical activity routine were to become too difficult or time-consuming?
- Are there any physical activities that you’ve been told are “bad” for your health? Why do you continue to do them even though you’re aware of the risks?
- Are there any physical activities that make you feel uncomfortable or scared? Why do you continue to take part in them despite these feelings?
- What would it take for you to stop taking part in exercises altogether? Is there a particular reason you feel like it’s important for you to keep up your routine?
- Are there any physical activities that you avoid because you’re afraid of how they’ll look or what others will think of you? Why do you feel like avoiding these activities is more important to you than living a healthy lifestyle?
- Do any physical activities make you feel guilty, ashamed, or regretful? Why do you think these feelings arise, and how can you overcome them?
- Have you ever struggled with maintaining a healthy weight? Why did that happen, and how did you eventually overcome the challenges?
- What are your thoughts on physical activity? Do you think it’s important for everyone, or just for people who are in good shape? Why or why not?
- Do you have any negative thoughts or feelings about your body? If so, why do you think these thoughts or feelings persist? What reinforcement do they receive from others around you?
- How do you feel about your body? Does it feel like a good representation of who you are as a person? Are there any particular parts of your body that you feel proud of?
- Have you ever skipped meals in order to minimize calories or carbs? Did it work in the short term, and what were the long-term consequences?
- How do you feel about your body? Does it feel like a good representation of who you are as a person? Are there any particular parts of your body that you feel proud of?
More Journal Prompts for Self-Care
- What areas of your life do you feel more productive or creative in? Why?
- What were some challenges you faced today and how did you overcome them?
- What do you think are the most important aspects of self-care? Which ones, in your opinion, are the most important to maintain over time? Why?
- Do you have any negative thoughts or feelings about your body? If so, why do you think these thoughts or feelings persist? What reinforcement do they receive from others around you?
- Would you describe your diet as “balanced”? Why or why not? What would you add or subtract from your regular diet to make it more nutritious?
- How do you feel about processed foods and snacks? Are they filling enough for you, or do they leave you feeling unsatisfied and hungry?
- What snacks or meals have you found to be harmful to your health over time? Why are they so harmful, and what can you do to avoid them in the future?
- Have you ever had surgery or received medical treatment for something related to your body? If so, was the surgery or treatment necessary and did it improve your quality of life overall?

Discover More Journal Prompts
How to use journal prompts
There is no one “right” way to use journal prompts for self-care, as the best way to find what works for you is to try different things and see what makes you feel energized, inspired, or relaxed. However, here are some general tips on how to get started:
Pick self-care journal prompts that inspire you
Choosing journal prompts for self-care that appeal to your personal interests and passions will help keep you motivated and engaged in your journaling process.
Set a regular schedule
Setting aside a specific time each day or week to write in your journal can help keep the habit of self-care alive and well.
Be patient with yourself
Journaling can be an overwhelming task at first, but with a little patience and perseverance, it can become a rewarding practice that helps improve your wellbeing overall.
Self-care is an important part of maintaining optimal health. By reflecting on our experiences and taking action to address any challenges head on, we can improve our overall quality of life.
You can use the self-care journal prompts in this post as inspiration for your own writing. Some of them are short, others are a little longer; some are simple, others require more effort. But all of them are intended to help you focus on your well-being and encourage you to take some time for yourself each day.
Pick a few to start with and find the right ones that work best for you – there is no right or wrong way to journal!
Do any of these self-care journal prompts resonate with you and what would you like to write about?